900MHz Spread-Spectrum Digital
Wireless Pan/Tilt/Zoom Camera Control
Transmission System
Installation and
Operating Instructions
Quick-Start Guide
1 Prior to installing the wireless link, verify proper operation of PTZ
controller (keyboard) and hard-wired receiver/driver or dome.
2 Determine the bit rate and interface (RS232 or RS485/422) of the
hard-wired system. If it is not 9600 bps and RS485/422, you will need
either to change the setting of the PTZ controller and receiver/driver
or to change the settings of the PTZ-900 equipment. See the end of
this manual for information on changing PTZ-900 internal settings
using TrangoLink software.
All rights reserved.
© 2002 Trango Systems, Inc.
15070 Avenue of Science, Suite 200
San Diego, California 92128
+1 858-653-3900
3 Wire the terminal block with shielded twisted-pair cable as shown
on pages 8 and 9.
4 After making the necessary adjustments to the internal settings and
cables, connect the system as shown on page 4 and test the wireless
link at short range to verify operation before installing permanently.
5 Install PTZ-900 transmitter and receiver units in desired locations
to 23/ ″ diameter steel pole and oriented as shown on page 3. The pole
must be securely mounted so that it does not move.
Install antennas above the enclosures and position as shown on page 3.
Important! The PTZ-900TX (transmitter) uses a special antenna con-
nector. Use only the AD900-9-P or the AO900-3-P antenna, otherwise
damage to the unit may occur.
Use extreme care when installing antennas near power lines. You
can be killed if the antenna comes in contact with the power line.
Do not apply power to the transmitter unless the antenna is con-
nected. Permanent damage to the unit may result.
7 Fasten the antenna cables to receiver and transmitter only finger-
tight (no more than 8 lb/in. of torque). Tighten flange around cables.
Apply a small amount of silicone to the flange openings to make a
leakproof connection.
The PTZ-900TX transmitter’s effective radiated output varies
between 0.5 and 4 watts, depending on the transmit antenna
used. Although transmissions are of a short duration, it is rec-
8 Connect shielded twisted-pair interface cables to units through
ommended that the transmit antenna be kept at least three feet
away from nearby people. Important note to installer: This warn-
ing is for FCC exposure requirements.
flanges. Tighten flanges. Important! Power adapter must be kept dry.
9 Verify that LED is illuminated, then tighten down the enclosure’s lid
PTZ-900 Installation and Operating Instructions
rev E
Trango Systems, Inc.
10 To help protect against potential lightning damage use a lightning
Important! Intentional or unintentional changes or modifications not
expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance must not
be made. Any such modifications could void the user's authority to
operate the equipment.
surge arrester in line with all cabling entering a structure.
Important! Power Adapter must be kept dry.
Your Trango PTZ-900 System
Congratulations on choosing Trango Systems, Inc., to fulfill your wire-
less video needs.
Unpack your system carefully. If any items are missing, notify your
sales representative. If an item appears to be damaged from shipment,
replace it in its packing material and notify the shipper. Save the pack-
aging for further storage of the equipment.
Since the patch antennas are directional, they must be aligned toward each other as shown.
The AO900-3-P antenna is available for omnidirectional coverage, for which the receiver
antenna must be vertically polarized by rotating it 90° from its normal position.
If the unit ever needs repair service, contact your dealer/distributor for
return authorization and shipping instructions. Do not attempt to re-
pair the unit yourself, as this may void the warranty.
PTZ-900 TX
PTZ-900 RX
FCC Information
shielded twisted pair
(4000¢ maximum in RS-422 mode)
shielded twisted pair
(4000¢ maximum in RS-422 mode)
ID number for the PTZ-900TX: FCC ID# NCYPTZ900TX
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio-frequency en-
ergy and, if not installed and used in accordance with these instruc-
tions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. How-
ever, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particu-
lar installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to
radio or television reception (which can be determined by turning the
equipment off and on) the user is encouraged to correct the interfer-
ence by one of more of the following measures:
Most common connection diagram for setting up a PTZ link using the PTZ-900-N system.
The dome shown may instead be a standard receiver/driver unit with a separate PTZ base.
System Description
The PTZ-900 is a professional-quality wireless transmission system
designed for sending digital, simplex (one-way) signals for pan, tilt,
zoom and camera control up to twelve miles in line-of-sight. The sys-
tem employs 900MHz frequency-hopping spread-spectrum technology
with the maximum effective radiated output power allowed by the FCC
for unlicensed operation. The system will operate interference-free with
the Trango Falcon or Eagle series wireless video transmission systems
to form a complete, wireless control link.
1 Reorient the receiving antenna;
2 Separate the affected equipment from the receiver;
3 Connect the affected equipment to an outlet on a different circuit
from that which the receiver is connected to;
4 Consult the dealer and/or experienced radio/TV technician for help.
PTZ-900 Installation and Operating Instructions
rev E
Trango Systems, Inc.
Important! The PTZ-900 enclosures are designed for a steel pole with
a maximum diameter of 23/ ″ and a wall thickness of ¼″. The pole must
Make sure that you have tested the PTZ controller and receiver/driver/
dome using a direct connection (with wires) before installing the wire-
less link. Also, it is recommended that the wireless link be tested at
short range before installing permanently. The transmitter and receiver
units may get warm to the touch. This is normal and does not affect
operation in any way.
be securely mounted into the ground or to a structure to prevent move-
ment of the antenna and camera in windy conditions. This pole also
acts as an earth ground and must be grounded.
Point-to-Multipoint Operation
In some cases it may be necessary to control more than one camera
from the same console. In this case, one PTZ-900TX transmitter can be
used to send control signals to all receivers and the receiver/drivers
will filter the data as in a hard-wired system. The user must ensure that
all PTZ-900RX receivers have the same address and hopping sequence
as the transmitter. Mount any antenna receiving from an AO900-3-P
omnidirectional in the vertically polarized position.
The PTZ-900 system is factory-configured for operation at 9600 bps,
RS-485/422 mode, hopping sequence 0, address 0000. If your PTZ con-
troller and dome operate at a speed other than 9600 bps or use RS-232
protocol, you must reprogram the PTZ-900TX and PTZ-900RX using the
supplied programming cable and the TrangoLink software, which runs
on any computer with Windows 95 or higher. See page 11 for detailed
AO 900-3-P
omni antenna
To obtain the best performance and transmission distance, the follow-
ing rules of thumb should be followed:
Channel 1
TX for video
1 Mount the transmitter and receiver antennas above human and me-
chanical traffic, the higher the better. A ten-foot steel mast on top
of a building is typical. Make sure that the mast is well grounded to
earth ground with a wire of AWG 8 or greater. For distances more
than eight miles, the transmit and receive antennas must be fifteen
to twenty feet above all obstacles in the line of sight.
RX for video
Channel 3
Channel 5
Channel 7
2 Keep the transmission path as open as possible. Objects such as walls
and metallic objects near the transmission path may reduce the
transmission distance.
3 Do not add additional lengths of cable to connect the receiver to the
antenna, as significant losses in signal and reduced transmission
range will occur.
Multilink Operation
4 Keep the data link (shielded twisted-pair) cables as short as possible
to prevent distortion of the data and possible interference with video
running on coaxial cable nearby.
Different than point-to-multipoint operation. multilink is where more
than one transmitter is operating in the same area. In this case, all the
transmitters and receivers operating on one system would have the
same hopping sequence and address. Those on another system nearby
should have a different address and a different hopping sequence in
order to add more isolation between the systems
The PTZ-900 system transmitter and receiver units come pre-mounted
in a NEMA 4× aluminum enclosure. This permits the unit to be mounted
PTZ-900 Installation and Operating Instructions
rev E
Trango Systems, Inc.
PIN 5: GND (RS232)
PIN 3: TD (RS232) or
TX– (RS485/422)
PIN 2: RD (user mode only)
PIN 7: TX+ (RS485/422)
PTZ-900 TX
PTZ-900 RX
PTZ-900 TX
PTZ-900 RX
(ADDRESS 0001)
(ADDRESS 0002)
Transmitter Operation
Antenna jack. This connector is used to connect an appropriate Trango
transmitter antenna. The antennas authorized for use with this unit are
the AD900-9-P patch and the AO900-3-P omni. The maximum transmis-
sion range when using the omni will be reduced by approximately half.
The connector used is custom and is somewhat fragile. Fasten the con-
nector only finger-tight, no more than 8 lb/in. Important! The trans-
mitter uses a non-standard jack to connect to the transmitter antenna.
Any modification to this jack may void the user’s authority to operate
the equipment and will void the manufacturer’s warranty.
(not used)
The front panel of the PTZ-900TX transmitter.
Power input. Accepts a power source between 6 and 13 volts DC. It is
highly recommended that the supplied power adapters (7VDC) be used
to reduce the heat dissipated from the unit. If another power adapter
is to be used, ensure that it is well regulated (±5%). Batteries may be
used as external power sources as well. The nominal current draw is
190 milliamperes when not sending commands and 522 milliamperes
while sending commands.
Do not apply power to the transmitter without the antenna securely
attached. Damage to the unit may result.
LED. The LED has three functional modes as follows:
1 Alternating green and red: The unit is waiting for a command from
TrangoLink software (twenty seconds after startup only.)
Data interfaces. There are two data interfaces: a terminal block and a
male DB9 connector. Refer to the drawing below. In order to avoid dam-
age to the unit, do not use both the terminal block and the DB9 for data
output simultaneously. For more information, visit our website,
2 Red: The unit is ready to receive data from the PTZ control equip-
3 Green: The unit is sending data on the air. Since the data is typically
1 Terminal block. Two lugs serve as the input for simplex data from
1200 to 19200 bps. When transmitting under RS485/422 protocols,
data connections from the PTZ controller are made on TX+ and TX–
of the terminal block. For RS232, the connections are to TXD and
GND. The PTZ-900TX does not use the RX+ and RX– connectors.
sent out in bursts, the LED will be green for a very short time only.
DB9 connector. Attach the programming cable, CBLDAT-2, to this
connector in order to use the TrangoLink set-up program. Refer to
the instructions on page 11. This interface can also be used for con-
necting data input from a PTZ controller, but it might be difficult to
close the unit while a cable is attached.
PTZ-900 Installation and Operating Instructions
rev E
Trango Systems, Inc.
Power input. Accepts a power source between 6 and 13 volts DC. It is
highly recommended that the supplied power adapters (7VDC) be used
to reduce the heat dissipated from the unit. If another power adapter
is to be used, ensure that it is well regulated (±5%). Batteries may be
used as external power sources as well. The nominal current draw is
200 milliamperes.
Receiver Operation
Antenna jack. This connector is used to connect an appropriate Trango
receiver antenna. The antenna authorized for use with this unit is the
AD900-9 patch. The connector used is an SMA type and is somewhat
fragile. Tighten the connector only finger-tight, no more than 8 lb-in
LED. The LED has three functional modes as follows:
Data interfaces. There are two data interfaces: a terminal block and a
male DB9 connector. Refer to the drawing on page 9. In order to avoid
damage to the unit, do not use both the terminal block and the DB9
for data output simultaneously. For more information, visit our website,
1 Alternating green and red: The unit is waiting for a command from
TrangoLink (twenty seconds after startup only).
Red: The unit is ready to receive data from the PTZ-900TX transmitter.
3 Blinking green: The unit is receiving data.
1 Terminal block. Two lugs serve as the output for simplex data from
1200 to 19200 bps. When transmitting under RS485/422 protocols,
data connections to the PTZ driver are made on RX+ and RX– of the
terminal block. For RS232, the connections are to RXD and GND. The
PTZ-900RX does not use the TX+ and TX– connectors.
TrangoLink Software
with the PTZ-900 System
DB9 connector. Attach the programming cable, CBLDAT-2, to this
connector in order to run the TrangoLink set-up program. Refer to
the instructions on page 11. This interface can also be used for con-
necting data output to a PTZ driver, but it might be difficult to close
the unit while a cable is attached.
PC Requirements & Installation
In order to run TrangoLink, you will need Windows 95 or higher, 400kB
of free disk space, and one free 9-pin serial port.
PIN 5: GND (RS232)
PIN 3: TD (user mode only)
PIN 2: RD (RS232) or
RX– (RS485/422)
To install. The TrangoLink program, which can be found at our web-
Link on your PC, simply download the file and double-click on it.
PIN 8: RX+ (RS485/422)
To uninstall. Click on Start, then Settings, then Control Panel. Double-
click on Add/Remove Programs. Select TrangoLink, and click Add/Remove
The TrangoLink program allows the user to change the user settings
on the PTZ-900TX and PTZ-900RX. The program runs under Windows
95 or higher and connects from either COM1 or COM2 to the data inter-
face on the transmitter or receiver via the CBLDAT-2 interface cable.
(not used)
To enter the program, the user must apply power to the PTZ-900 unit
and, within twenty seconds, run the TrangoLink program by clicking
on the TrangoLink icon. The LED will flash green and red until com.
The front panel of the PTZ-900RX receiver.
PTZ-900 Installation and Operating Instructions
rev E
Trango Systems, Inc.
munication is established. If a connection is not made within twenty
seconds, the unit will exit programming mode and enter normal oper-
ating mode. In this event, simply reboot power to the unit and try again.
give the best results in general.
9 Raise transmitter and receiver antennas above ground and away from
obstacles and traffic, including foot traffic.
After entering the program, a screen is displayed showing the current
settings. The user may change the settings and then must click SAVE
CHANGES AND EXIT. Upon exiting the program and cycling power to the unit,
the settings will become effective. This screen offers the user five options.
9 Verify that all connectors are tight, especially the power connectors.
9 Shorten the receiver antenna feed cable. It is best to use only those
cables supplied with the equipment.
PN Sequence. The channel-hopping sequence must be the same on the
transmitter and receiver in order for data to be transferred properly.
RSSI. The Received Signal Strength Indicator is used for receiver to
monitor the radio spectrum on all hopping channels. It is presented as
a bar graph of power (dBm) against frequency (MHz). Useful in trouble-
shooting to determine if any other signals are present in the 900MHz
band. Meaningless if connected to the PTZ-900TX.
9 If the system becomes unusable for a period of time on the order of
minutes or hours and then becomes usable again, changing the PN
sequence may cure the problem. The different PN sequences have dif-
ferent waiting channels that are used to synchronize the hopping se-
quences. Depending on your environment, there may be a 900MHz
transmitter interfering on one of the waiting channels. By changing
the PN sequence of the transmitter and receiver, the waiting chan-
nel will change. Some of the types of equipment that may interfere
are 900MHz cordless phones and wireless LANs if they are very close
to the PTZ-900RX receiver antenna. The waiting channels are
924.2MHZ (default) PN0, 905.8MHz PN3, 911.8MHz PN2, and
918.2MHz PN1.
Data Rate. The rate for PTZ data can be set between 1200 and 19200
bps. Parity can be set to odd, even, or none. The settings must be the
same on the transmitter and receiver.
Mode. RS-232 (unbalanced) or RS-485/RS-422 (differential). Select the
mode that matches your PTZ control equipment.
9 High-power equipment operating near the 902–928MHz band, such
as paging system base stations or cellular phone base stations, may
also interfere if they are within several hundred feet of the receiver.
Changing the PN sequence and reorienting the receiver antenna will
most likely cure this type of interference.
Address. Multiple systems deployed in the same area should have dif
ferent addresses. Similar to PN Sequence, the address setting must be the
same on the transmitter and receiver in order for data to be transferred
properly. You must click on SET ADDRESS to make changes effective
9 The cable from transmitter to PTZ controller may be too long, cor-
rupting digital data. Use category 5 twisted-pair shielded cable, if
possible, and a maximum length of four thousand feet for RS422 or
one hundred feet for RS232.
Interference or intermittent operation.
9 The cable from receiver to PTZ receiver/driver may be too long, cor-
rupting digital data. Use category 5 twisted-pair shielded cable, if
possible, and a maximum length of four thousand feet for RS422 or
one hundred feet for RS232.
9 Heavy equipment such as industrial, roof-mounted air conditioners
or fan motors in close proximity to the transmitter, receiver, or cables
may cause interference, especially when operating in RS232 mode.
Move the unit/cable away from the source of the interference.
9 Interference on video signal when sending PTZ data. Check the
system’s grounding and use ground-fault isolation transformers if
the problem persists.
9 Antenna polarization may be wrong. The normal polarization for the
AD900-9 antenna is horizontal, since that has been determined to
PTZ-900 Installation and Operating Instructions
rev E
Trango Systems, Inc.
Data not received.
Parametric Specifications
9 Verify that a clear line of sight exists between the transmitter and
receiver antennas for distances greater than five hundred feet.
PTZ-900TX Transmitter: Electrical
Radio Section
Spurious Attentuation: > 50 dBc
9 Check that the transmit and receive PN sequences, data rate, mode,
and address are set the same.
Symbol Rate:
Hopping Rate:
Error Correction:
64.516 kbps
600 hops/sec
64 hopping frequencies, including the
waiting channel, spaced by 400kHz
starting at 902.2MHz
Waiting Frequency, selectable:
PN seq #0: 924.2 MHz
rate 7,4 linear block coding
Gaussian-filtered FSK
9 Verify that all connectors are tight.
PN seq #1: 918.2 MHz
PN seq #2: 911.8 MHz
Data Input Section
9 Cycle the power.
Buffer Size:
2 bytes
PN seq #3: 905.8 MHz
Data Input Level:
RF Output Power:
nominal +27dBm ±0.5dBm conducted in-
to 50Ω unmodulated carrier, final PA on. Data Rate (User):
software-selectable between RS232 and
RS485/422 (RS485/422 factory default)
9 Verify that transmitter and receiver antennas are aligned properly,
as discussed above.
1200, 2400, 4800,
9600, or 19200 bps user-configurable
+36dBm, 9dB patch antenna connected
via TrangoLink (9600 factory default)
Frequency Stability: 0.0025% PLL-stabilized Format: 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit
(25 ppm) over temperature range (even or odd parity is selectable)
Frequency Plan: single up-conversion with Level Limiting: none
pseudo-gaussian baseband filter for band- Input Impedance:
Can’t communicate with
transmitter or receiver using TrangoLink.
limiting. High-side LO injection, 1052
MHz, Variable IF LO of 148.2 to 124.2
MHz with 400kHz channel spacing.
Modulated Bandwidth:
67.5kHz (3dB); 112.5kHz (20dB)
Harmonic Attenuation:
5kΩ unbalanced for RS232 mode
24kΩ otherwise.
Disconnect any peripherals connected to the terminal block. Plug the
supplied programming cable, CBLDAT-2, into the system’s DB9. Power
the computer on. Power the transmitter or receiver on, and within
twenty seconds run the TrangoLink program from Windows. The LED
will alternate between green and red to indicate that it is ready to talk
to the TrangoLink software. Important! Do not use any other cable for
this purpose.
Power Section
Input Voltage: 6–13VDC
Current Consumption:
522 mA transmit, 190 mA standby
> 20dBc (2nd harmonic)
PTZ-900TX Transmitter: Mechanical & Environmental
Serial Interface:
DB9 male with ferrite or
four-position terminal block
cast aluminum
platinum powdercoat
4.65″W × 8.8″L × 2.475″D
without antenna
2.65 lb
two-position terminal block
Operating Temp.:
–20ºC to 70ºC
–30ºC to 85ºC
Connectors and Indicators
RF Output:
reverse polarity SMA connector in com-
pliance with FCC rules part 15C, 15.203.
FCC Compliance:
100% condensing when installed properly
sustains 3-axis drop from 5′
The transmitter complies with FCC Part
15.249, FCC Part 15.207(a).
PTZ-900 Installation and Operating Instructions
rev E
Trango Systems, Inc.
Parametric Specifications
PTZ-900RX Receiver: Electrical
Radio Section
Data Output Section
902.2MHz to 927.8MHz
Buffer Size:
48 bytes
Cascade Noise Figure:
Sensitivity for 10–6 BER:
< 6dB
–95dBm max.
Data Output Level: software-selectable
rates between RS232 and RS485/422
(RS485/422 factory default)
Adj. Channel Rej:
Image Rejection:
Frequency Plan:
> 50dB
> 60dB
Data Rate (User):
1200, 2400, 4800,
9600, or 19200 bps user-configurable
via TrangoLink (9600 factory default)
Format: 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit
(even or odd parity is selectable)
Level limiting: none
double-conversion 1st IF at 110.6MHz,
2nd at 10.7MHz
LO Stability:
(25 ppm) over temperature range
Input Compression Point: > –20dBm
0.0025% PLL-stabilized
Input Impedance:
6kΩ balanced
Max. Output Loading: 3kΩ, 2500pF
Power Section
Input Voltage:
Current Consumption: 200mA
PTZ-900RX Receiver: Mechanical & Environmental
Serial Interface:
cast aluminum
DB9 male with ferrite or
four-position terminal block
platinum powdercoat
4.65″W × 8.8″L × 2.475″D
without antenna
2.65 lb
two-position terminal block
Operating Temp. : –20ºC to 70ºC
Connectors and Indicators
–30ºC to 85ºC
RF Output:
SMA-F connector
FCC Compliance:
The receiver complies with FCC Part
15.299 and FCC Part 15.207(a)
100% condensing when installed properly
Shock: sustains 3-axis drop from 5′
Trango Systems technical support
PTZ-900 Installation and Operating Instructions
rev E
Trango Systems, Inc.
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